Fobos Will Rise

Fobos will rise again!!!

Those who know the island of Lanzarote know César Manrique. César was an artist, sculptor, architect and visionary who shaped both the culture and the appearance of modern Lanzarote.

He was responsible for many of our famous attractions including Jameos del Agua and Mirador del Rio. One of his most striking additions to our landscape was the Juguetes del viento, or “wind toys” which are seen on the roundabouts and intersections of our major roads.

The wind toys are sculptures which move in contradictory circles with and against the wind. They are thought to represent the power and energy of the island and are a nod to the the ancient windmills which were plentiful here at one time. Above all else they are unique, like us.

The largest of all the wind toys was Fobos. It spun a remarkable 13 meters into the sky on the Tahíche roundabout. Only a small replica remained after the larger version was partially destroyed in a storm in 2005. Next week, Fobos will return to Tahíche, all 300 pieces having been reformed and restored.

The sculpture is very important to us. It stands near the home, foundation and point where the great man lost his life all too early in a tragic car accident. The playfulness and grandeur of Fobos perfectly reflect the special spirit we find here. So much so that one of our team wears the tattoo of the original design as seen in the photograph!

Look out for Fobos standing tall again from Thursday next week. We treasure it.

Written by Alex on March 7, 2020